Holistic Guidance to Help You Find Clarity and Achieve Success

Align your career with your strengths and personal values

Find your most meaningful career move. You are not separate from your career – change starts with your mindset first. That’s why Marie’s 12-week program guides you to:

  • Discovery of untapped potential. Reflective, clarifying exercises to discover strengths and abilities you’ve overlooked.

  • Gaining new perspectives. Personalized, deep-dive coaching sessions pave the way for meaningful change in your outlook and life.

  • Feeling more confident. Cultivate a positive mindset and a better relationship with yourself to unlock self-awareness and increased confidence.

  • Finding flow and fulfilment. Get closer to establishing your ideal work-life harmony through guided work in each session.

Meet Marie Dewulf, Career Clarity and Work-Life Harmony Coach


If you’ve recently moved to a new country or been without a job for some time, you may feel lost, overwhelmed and unsure of how to get back on track.

Together, we’ll:

  • Identify your purpose and help you feel anchored.

  • Clarify what you need to feel connected and confident.

  • Help you return to work or find another path to feel fulfilled.


If you’re exhausted, stressed out, burned out or stuck in your current career, you may feel like you’re ready for change. Even if you don’t know what that change looks like.

Together, we’ll:

  • Identify your purpose and work through issues causing you stress and anxiety.

  • Reconnect to meaning and find balance for your perfectionist-pleaser tendencies.

  • Help you transition to a better job or change careers entirely.


If you’re currently employed but feel frustrated, bored or unmotivated from a lack of challenge – find clarity for what’s next so you can evolve your career and experience growth.

Together, we’ll:

  • Define your ideal evolution.

  • Develop your career plan based on everything you want to achieve.

  • Help you excel and connect to a feeling of pride in your accomplishments.

How does it work?

Your 12-session holistic life and career coaching program includes:

  • 45-minute intake call to help you uncover new information about yourself and clearly define your life and career goals.

  • 12 personalized 60-min coaching sessions, including a deep-dive kickoff session. Each call is designed to increase your self-confidence, offer you a new perspective, cultivate a positive mindset and balance your work/life flow.

  • Access to emergency support between sessions to help you navigate the road bumps when they pop up and keep you moving toward your goals.

  • Guidance to identify your strengths, skill gaps and professional blind spots, plus full accountability and focus for creating and executing your plan.

  • Tips, tools and resources tailored to your specific needs so you can go from confused and frustrated to clear and empowered.

  • Support that is customized to get you through the full program at the perfect pace for you.

How much does it cost?

Marie’s rate is 4 simple payments of €450 + 21% VAT where applicable.

When you decide you’re ready to be fully supported on the journey you find yourself on right now, contact us to set up your intake call.

Marie asks insightful questions that help you identify whether working with her is the right fit for you.

Read What Clients Have to Say About Marie’s Work

Lia R.

“I started the coaching sessions with Marie in one of the most difficult times of my life… Her understanding and compassion helped me “to move on”! Session by session I learned first to find peace and balance in my mind and soul, and then to identify and establish my goals. I learned how I can be stronger in difficult moments and how to think more positively. I learned to discover and improve my skills and focus on what “I can do” instead of what “I have to do.”

Caitlin L.

“I decided to leave my job and transition to something new, but I was not sure what that was. I was also new to the Netherlands and struggling with the transition. Having been an expat herself, Marie helped me to navigate a new job market and cultural setting as well. The process of coaching helped me regain my confidence. Before that I felt low, overwhelmed, confused, and lost. Marie brought me clarity and helped me see and take my path.”

Thierry G.

“By using the right framing tools, [Marie] enabled me to ask the right questions and find the answers in order to develop a new career path.”